Bloor homes intend to develop a 2 storey office complex with over 50 parking spaces in the residential area adjacent to the playing pitches on the Wheatpieces estate.

Following Bloor Homes recent planning application announcement, members of the clubs Committe met with Cllr Vernon Smith and local residents to voice our objections to the proposed development. There was a community meeting at Tewkesbury Meadows Development Site about the new building plans along side Jenny's Field for Bloor new headquarters and several 100 homes on the 13th May 2021.
The club have proposed that the site could be better utilised by providing a much needed playing pavilion for local children to have access to match day toilet facilities. Currently there are a severe lack of facilities in the local area.
This meeting was held by Cllr Vernon Smith who was just elected as the councillor for the area. Vernon, who is against the planning application would like to try and achieve in getting the changing room facility which would be used by us as a club for matches and this would also be able to be used for any other community organisation.
For us to attempt to achieve this, we would like to gain signatures in the form of your name and email address which we can pass onto Vernon. If you would like to help us get some changing facilities by Jenny's Field, please do sign our petition which will be past to Vernon by clicking here.