Child Welfare
At Tewkesbury Town Colts FC we first and foremost want to make sure the children are looked after in the correct manner. The FA have guidelines that we adhere to, these can be found further down on this page.
One of the guidelines is for us to have a child welfare officer. All leagues and clubs with youth teams must have a named Welfare Officer who has an enhanced FA CRB certificate and has completed the FA Safeguarding Children and the FA Welfare Officers Workshop.
Our Welfare Officer Lead is: Claire Kirby​
Contact our Welfare Officers by clicking here.
Welfare Officers have two key roles:
• Be informed and aware of the league or club’s responsibilities when running football activities for children and young people. For example:
* ensuring these responsibilities are well understood by others
* developing best practice processes.
• Helping league and club personnel understand their ‘duty of care’ towards children and young people. For example:
* ensuring all relevant people complete The FA’s ‘Safeguarding Children’ training programme
* helping to make sure trips away are organised properly
* managing the roll out of FA CRB checks.