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Club Statement on football restarting #Covid19

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

To all. As you may be aware the go ahead for the return of competitive football has been given by the FA and Government.

In line with the return, the club is to follow a strict risk assessment to ensure the safety of players, coaches, parents and spectators. Attached is the guidance in a summary of what is expected by all individuals involved with the return by the FA.

There will also be an attendance register which must be filled out by coach or admin for track and trace. You must make sure you sign in on arrival and sanitise before entering the edge of the pitch to support/play. Please keep social distancing at all times and adhere to the guidelines given.

I appreciate this is not the norm we are used to and that some of the pitches are on public spaces and will be difficult to manage other users. However, the effort and dedication to keep to this are all worth it for the children to play football once more.

Please remember to follow all government guidance at all times.

Thanks for your cooperation!

James Heath Chairman Tewkesbury Town Colts FC


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